Ed Watson 612-845-9817 ed@physicalrules.com
Week 11. Visual the System, Aerobic Metabolism Part 1

Week 11. Visual the System, Aerobic Metabolism Part 1

“How does a fetus breathe?” This is a trick question; I realize an embryo is not ‘lung breathing’. This is a challenge to think about how an embryo in the womb uses oxygen no differently as we all do once born into this world. IMPORTANT!  Tap or click the...
VO2 Max in Context of Speed and Power

VO2 Max in Context of Speed and Power

The Physical Rules of Aerobic Metabolism Part II Week 2. Oxygen Powered Metabolism vs Anaerobic Metabolism Oxygen powered metabolism means the same thing as aerobic metabolism. This lecture explores aerobic metabolism and performance first from two unconventional...
